An addictive and generous fragrance that celebrates the genuine things: the gentleness of a home, the delectable indulgence, the nurturing gourmandise, the homemade.
Eau de parfum - 50ml - 1.7 Fl OZ
Butter Croissant and Brioche Accord
Honey, Tanka bean, Bran Absolute
Sandalwood and Hay
Brioche blows away a warm, gourmet whiff of homemade pastry. Crystallizing honey softens the fragrance and brings depth and longevity. Wheat bran offers cereal facets to create a neoaddiction, supplemented with sandalwood, hay, and buttery notes.
Au cœur de la Provence verte, Anatole Lebreton façonne des parfums singuliers qui retranscrivent son parcours de parfumeur créateur indépendant, hors des sentiers battus. Moderne, inventif, attaché à la tradition française, il a à cœur de partager sa passion pour les belles odeurs et les belles matières au travers de créations faites mains, en toute liberté.
In the heart of green Provence, Anatole Lebreton creates unique fragrances that reflect his journey as an independent creative perfumer, off the beaten track. Modern, inventive, committed to the French tradition, he is keen to share his passion for beautiful smells and materials through handmade creations, in complete freedom.
Nel cuore della verde Provenza, Anatole Lebreton crea fragranze uniche che riflettono il suo viaggio come profumiere creativo indipendente, fuori dai sentieri battuti. Moderno, inventivo, impegnato nella tradizione francese, è desideroso di condividere la sua passione per i bei profumi e i materiali attraverso creazioni fatte a mano, in piena libertà.